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Renewing Healthy Habits in the New Year

Keep striving to achieve your skin goals - you’re doing great!

Start your 2 minute skin quiz today and one of our aestheticians will create a personalised skincare routine for you!Take the skin quiz
Renewing Healthy Habits in the New Year
Written byAmelia CranstounContent Editor
Start your 2 minute skin quiz today and one of our aestheticians will create a personalised skincare routine for you!Take the skin quiz

As we usher in a new year, it's the perfect opportunity to refresh our skincare routines and embrace habits that promote healthier, glowing skin. Renewing your commitment to skincare isn't just about restocking your products; it's a form of self-care that contributes to overall well-being and maintenance of your skin health. 

Reflect on Your Skincare Journey

Take a moment to reflect on your skincare habits over the past year. What products and routines worked well for your skin? Were there any challenges or areas for improvement? Any of these sound familiar:

  • Maybe you aren’t as good as you can be at applying your SPF every day

  • Could you be better at sticking to your PM routine? 

  • Do you keep saying you’ll introduce the retinol and keep forgetting to? 

Understanding your skin's needs will guide you in setting realistic goals for the new year.

Set Attainable Skincare Goals

Consider setting realistic and attainable goals rather than overhauling your entire skincare routine. Focus on introducing small, targeted changes that align with your skin type and concerns. Are these goals you would like to set for yourself? 

Find out more about how sleep can affect your skin in our blog

  • Be patient with your results! This is probably one of our member's biggest hurdles, which we understand since it can feel like the proof should be in the pudding right? But your skin needs time to change slowly with your skincare, and everyone’s skin and goals will be different - so are their results. 

Our rule of thumb is to give it 3 months. Take a photo at the start of your journey and asses the difference after 12 weeks. The changes may seem minimal to some of us, but they’ll be there - and by 6 months you’ll be seeing and feeling a whole lot of difference. 

This approach allows for gradual adjustments and ensures the longevity of your skincare journey. 

Establish a Skincare Routine

Consistency is key in skincare. Establish a daily routine that includes cleansing, treating, moisturising, and sun protection. Here are our steps to achieving consistency: 

  • Commit to one treatment step at a time and focus on that goal for a few weeks. It can take as quickly as 2 weeks to form a habit. 

  • Tick it off a daily to-do list to complete your AM and PM routines.

  • Put your skincare right next to where you brush your teeth (preferably out of direct sunlight like a windowsill) so that you remember every day to cleanse and care for your skin.

Additionally, consider adding treatments like exfoliation or masks based on your skin's needs. A well-rounded routine enhances the effectiveness of your skincare products.

Nourish Your Skin with Healthy Ingredients

Review your skincare products and prioritise those containing nourishing ingredients. Consider incorporating natural elements such as botanical extracts to revitalise and rejuvenate your skin. Are you getting enough of these ingredients in your routine: 

Speak to an esthetician at Renude, for personalised recommendations for your skin type and goals - they will be able to identify active ingredients that can benefit your skin.

In addition to to that consider ways in which you can care for your skin through your gut! Everything we eat can impact our skin. Ever had a cheeky binge and noticed that your skin then acted out in response? This is usually inflammation caused by lots of sugar. In the same way, when we eat healthy greens, polyphenols and antioxidants our skin health can improve!

In the new year why not try to get some of the following into your diet: 

  • Nuts

  • Eggs

  • Salmon

  • Greek Yogurt

  • Blueberries

  • Citrus fruit, such as oranges, grapefruit, lemons and limes

  • Bell peppers, green, orange, red or yellow

  • Broccoli

  • Strawberries

  • Kiwi

  • Fermented foods like Kimchi 

Find out more about how your diet can affect your skin in our blog

Hydrate Inside and Out

Hydration is crucial for radiant skin. Drink an ample amount of water to keep your skin hydrated from within. Additionally, use hydrating skincare products like moisturisers and serums to maintain the skin's moisture barrier and combat dryness

It sounds an awful lot, but we should be drinking on average, 3 litres of water a day: 

  • Invest in a marked reusable water bottle that helps you count down the millilitres as the day goes - make it a fun challenge for yourself 

  • Put a glass of water next to your bed and drink it as soon as you wake - once you start drinking the water, the easier it gets to stick with 

  • Try herbal teas or diluted juice, this can be a nice way to get your hydration up without getting bored! 

Practice Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from the sun is a year-round commitment. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily, even during cloudy days. This helps prevent premature ageing and sunspots and reduces the risk of skin cancer.

SPF can do more than protect against sun damage: 

  • Protect from pollutants 

  • Prevent early signs of ageing 

  • Prevent irritation of other skin conditions such as rosacea

  • Visible light rays 

Incorporate Relaxation Techniques

Stress can impact your skin's health. Integrate relaxation techniques into your routine, such as facial massages, meditation, or incorporating calming skincare products. A stress-free mind contributes to a healthy complexion.

Why not try:

  • A sheet mask that you can lie in and potentially nap in too! 

  • Take the time to gua sha or use a crystal roller, let the motions soothe you and help you unwind 

  • Massage your evening moisturiser deep into the skin, focusing on the temples, neck, and chest area 

  • As a parter to do your evening skincare routine for you - treat it like a facial or just have a good laugh at you both playing the part! 

Please find out more about how stress can affect your skin in our blog

Feel inspired and ready to start your skincare journey? Take our skincare quiz today and trust in Renude to help you stick to your healthy habits in 2024. 

Amelia CranstounContent Editor
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Amelia CranstounContent Editor
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