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Renudists talk: Rachel Joy and her skin journey to date

We caught up with the wonderful Rachel to talk all things skincare

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Renudists talk: Rachel Joy and her skin journey to date
Written byRachel JoySkincare influencer
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Introduce yourself! 

Hi I’m Rachel Joy, You can call me Rachel and on Instagram I am @joyinmyskin

How would you describe your skin?

My skin type is normal, and it can often get dehydrated, and now that I am in my early 30s I am definitely noticing a lot more fine lines. So I guess in that sense my goals would be to keep my skin plump and hydrated, to help protect the barrier of my skin so that as I age, my skin can also age in the best way possible. 

How did your skincare journey start?

I’ve always really been interested in skincare and beauty, but I guess around 5 years ago I was feeling really insecure in my own skin. So I really delved into being bare-faced, not allowing myself to wear make-up so I could really see what my skin was really like. Through this, I learnt a lot about my skin, so I then delved into the ingredients to help with those concerns, and I guess that’s how my skincare journey began!

Why did you fall in love with skincare?

I really love skincare because it really helped me accept who I was on the outside, and that then translated into all areas of my life, because I learnt to accept who I was no matter what. 

Which product type could you never live without?

I don’t think I can choose one product, so I am going to say an SPF, for sure, and also an antioxidant serum!

So I’m just going to put some moisturiser on. This has some probiotics in it, which will help to protect my skin’s barrier and strengthen it. And it also has Centella, calcium and magnesium to help soothe and repair any damaged skin cells. 

What is your favourite ingredient and why?

So my favourite ingredient is hard, because there are a few that I love, purely because they helped me see the difference that I can make to my skin if I really look after it. But currently, I would say Vitamin A, because I've just started my retinol journey, and it’s encouraging me to be patient, to remain patient with my skin, and also There’s an antioxidant product that I really love that has Vitamin A in it as one of the main ingredients. I just found it did wonders for my skin. 

Best skincare advice you've ever been given?

Wear SPF every day. 

Skincare myth you want to bust?

That you don’t need to wear SPF every day unless you are outside and it is hot and sunny. 

Top tips for being confident bare-faced?

I guess to really just accept your imperfections and to listen to what your skin needs, as you would with your mind and your body, and that then allows you to be kind and patient with yourself. And by accepting these so-called imperfections I guess that really helps you to appreciate who you really are, inside and out, and that breeds confidence. 

What makes you feel Renude?

Being confident and finding joy in my skin, no matter what concerns I feel I might have, is what makes me feel Renude. And if I can encourage others to feel the same then that’s an absolute bonus!

Rachel JoySkincare influencer
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Rachel JoySkincare influencer
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