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Meet Amelia: Licensed Aesthetician and Renude Skincare Expert

Renude expert Amelia talking career highlights and skincare advice

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Meet Amelia: Licensed Aesthetician and Renude Skincare Expert
Written byAmelia HudsonRenude Skin Expert
Start your 2 minute skin quiz today and one of our aestheticians will create a personalised skincare routine for you!Take the skin quiz

When did you first realise you wanted a career in skin?

Well, ever since I was a very young girl all I ever wanted to do was to help people, as many people as possible! I actually studied counselling and almost immediately after I qualified I then actually ended up studying beauty therapy. From my very first day at college studying beauty therapy, I knew then and there from day one that this was not enough for me and I really truly wanted to help people. I knew I had a long and challenging journey ahead to go far beyond standard beauty therapy.  Then ironically at the same time, I started my own journey with skin. Having gone through my own personal journey with my skin and confidence, I knew I never wanted anyone to feel insecure or ashamed to look in the mirror or unconfident.I wanted to help and I still want to help 10+ years later help restore people's confidence and self love again. My job is to help people smile when they look in the mirror and help people realise their own unique beauty and help people fall back in love and appreciation with themselves!

Tell us a bit about your experience in the industry 

I can honestly say that I have had such a vast, dynamic, exciting and challenging experience in the industry. I have worn many different hats from clinical lead, to manager, mentor, clinical trainer, brand ambassador and more! A small snapshot of my career as there is just so much: 10+ years ago I had the very rare opportunity of training with a renowned aesthetic scientist and pioneering aesthetic Doctor which really was a once in a lifetime training opportunity. This opportunity actually happened within months of qualifying in beauty therapy, and so I very quickly began my journey into aesthetics.

I eventually chose to close my own small business in order to work 'with the big fish' in the industry in order to grow myself further and gain valuable experience.

Eventually I joined a new clinic which is now one of the most unique and dynamic Doctor led skincare and wellness centers in the UK. I have the privilege of working alongside and assisting closely an internationally famous Doctor specialising in Dermatology and a skin care formulator, growing the brand to a 5* luxurious aesthetic clinic and wellness center where we have designed a completely unique and exclusive approach to skin and wellness. I am truly blessed to have had the most thrilling, dynamic and rewarding career nationally and internationally.

What would you say had been your career highlight? 

Wow, I have so many! I have actually been truly blessed to have had such a unique and exciting career with some incredible highlights but as a person I am not really swayed by things such as names, titles and awards. So I am going to say that actually for me as a person my highlights are not actually my achievements, titles or awards but rather the incredible people that I have met throughout my career! Because of my career I have been truly blessed to have met so many truly incredible people and have had the privilege of also helping some spectacular people.So many of these people have forever had a positive impact on me both personally and professionally, and some of them I carry very close in my heart. Every now and again I actually get blown away by some amazing people out there.

What is your favourite thing about working in skincare?

Changing lives and watching the beautiful 'domino' effects of when someone's confidence and self love returns. These results are actually life changing. Throughout my entire career, the results I achieve by helping others to restore their confidence and self again is such a beautiful and hugely powerful process to both witness but also be a part of.

Also, I will confess I do love being able to try and experiment with some seriously exciting things at times. It's one of the perks of working in the industry.

What ingredients are in your personal skincare routine?

So many! I am an absolute ingredient geek of note. I am absolutely crazy about Copper peptide and essential lipids and you will find many products with these ingredients in my collection. I love clay based masks for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying benefits. I have a lot of antioxidants in my regime as I just love their brightening and radiance boosting benefits. Lots and lots of peptides, the more peptides the better. I am crazy about minerals too, so you will find lots of minerals in my collection too. That is just a snapshot of some of the exciting ingredients in my collection. I prefer using multitasking products which contain multiple skin nutrients in order to target more than one skin concern at a time.

What do you love about working at Renude?

The genuine team passion from team renude is amazing! The genuine wanting to help people makes working with team Renude truly special! The level of expertise and passion makes team Renude unique. Also, what makes team renude completely unique is  that Renude is completely unbiased with help and advice. We are not affiliated to any brands and therefore we have a truly exciting and extensive range to work with and we only work with products of superior quality and work with products that deliver on results. As we are not affiliated to any brands, we have options for everyone and it is so exciting from a professional perspective to have such an extensive range to work with to be able to help and offer solutions and guidance without being limited in anyway whatsoever.

What is your best bit of skincare advice?

Respect, Simplicity and Nourish.

Treat your skin with respect. You will get so much more from your skin when you treat it with respect, feeding it with deeply nourishing ingredients instead of stripping your skin with aggressive, drying, harsh formulations. Stronger or aggressive does not mean better results!

Feed and nourish your skin. Your skincare is your skin's diet. Your skin needs to be fed topically in order to be healthy, radiant and youthful. Your skin also needs to eat and this is your skincare. Most people use harsh, drying toners, too many acids,over-exfoliate with scrubs and too many acids, harsh formula's high in alcohol and perfume and completely deprive the skin of essential nutrients. Your regime should feed, nourish and restore health, balance hydrate, strengthen and repair your skin.

Simplicity is essential for healthy, beautiful, radiant skin. The more complicated does not mean better results. I have often found more than often people are flooding their skin with overly complicated regimes and neglect the essentials. You need to ensure that you first have the essentials in place before building upon a regime. It's like building a house, you need to build the foundation first before you can start building the walls and roof.

Amelia HudsonRenude Skin Expert
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Amelia HudsonRenude Skin Expert
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