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A Simple Guide To Understanding Your Skin Type

Renude skincare expert Melody gives a practical guide to deciphering your skin type

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A Simple Guide To Understanding Your Skin Type
Written byMelody CarlRenude Skin Expert
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It can be confusing to determine what your skin type is, and we often see Renude members who aren't sure of theirs. So we've pulled together this simple step-by-step guide to help you figure out your skin type

The cleansing method to determine your skin type

The best way to determine your skin type is to see how it feels after it has been thoroughly cleansed with a gentle cleanser. 

Step 1. Cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser

Step 2. Pat the skin dry 

Step 3. Apply absolutely nothing for 1 hour

Step 4. After the hour has passed be mindful of how your skin feels. Notice how your face feels by practising different expressions in the mirror. Does your skin feel tight, itchy, greasy, or normal?

Step 5. Pay attention to how the skin looks up close in good lighting. Look for redness, dry or rough patches, flaky skin, acne spots and underskin bumps. 

Step 6. After a thorough examination of your skin, write down some notes on how your skin feels. This way you can refer to the skin type guide below to determine your skin type!

If you can’t do the above test for any reason, the next best thing would be to consider the following questions:

  • How does my skin feel first thing in the morning?
  • How does my skin feel at midday?
  • How does my skin change throughout the seasons?

Once you have your notes/answers, read on to see which skin type sounds like you.

A breakdown of characteristics by skin type

Oily skin

Oily skin type is characterised by a shiny appearance, and a greasy feel to the skin. Oily skin is usually accompanied by enlarged pores, breakouts and even redness. Oily skin is a result of genetic factors, environment, and hormonal changes. In oily skin, the sebaceous glands produce an excess amount of sebum, creating a shiny appearance and greasy feel. Excess sebum can mix with dead skin and get trapped in a follicle causing breakouts. 

People with oilier skin typically wake up with oily skin, and after cleansing typically notice a shine on their skin by lunchtime. Oilier skin types often find their make-up doesn’t last throughout the day and might find their skin more difficult to manage in the summer.

Dry skin

Dry skin type is characterised by a dull appearance, tight feeling, flaky and occasionally red and painful. Dry skin is a result of your skin not producing enough sebum to hold in moisture. The dryness is the result of many factors such as genetics, environment, medication, and harsh skincare products. Dry skin can still experience breakouts if it starts to overproduce sebum, and the sebum sits on the skin clogging the pores. 

People with dry skin tend to notice flaking and a rough texture, finding that make-up can often exaggerate this, struggling to create a smooth application. Skin can feel tight after cleansing (this can happen in most skin types if the cleanser is too strong, but is particularly common in dry skin). Dry skin is typically harder to manage during winter than the summer. 

Combination skin

Combination skin type is characterised by both oily and dry areas on the face. Combination skin is usually oily in the T-zone (nose, forehead and chin) and drier on the cheeks. This tricky skin type does not like either side of the extreme not oily not too drying, it is a balancing act every day.

People with combination skin might wake up with shine across their T-zone, and find this again at lunchtime, but can also find their cheeks can feel tight and show more symptoms of dry skin. Those with this skin type may find it harder to manage the oilier parts in the summer, but still, find winter trickier for their drier parts. This is the most common skin type, so don’t worry if you have this struggle - we've got you! 

Normal skin 

Normal skin type is characterised by smooth skin texture, small pores, not overly oily, and not overly dry. Normal skin types can experience the occasional bout of oiliness or dryness and even a breakout. Although a normal skin type can experience minor changes in normalcy these changes are resolved quickly. 

Normal skin doesn’t change much between seasons or during the day, doesn’t experience flaking or dry patches often and make-up adheres well. 

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin type is characterised by redness, inflammation, dryness, and stinging or burning. sensation. Sensitive skin can be caused by a medical skin condition such as acne, eczema, rosacea, dermatitis, allergies, and overuse of active ingredients that are harsh on the skin and over-exfoliation.

People with sensitive skin might wake up to redness, and the products used on the skin throughout the day tingle or burn the skin. This skin type can be very intolerant of your regular skincare routine after it has become sensitised. Thankfully this skin type is only temporary in most cases.

Still unsure of your skin type?

Don’t fret If you are still unsure of what skin type you are after reading the guide, you can book a complimentary consultation with one of our licensed skincare experts to help you navigate your skin type.

Melody CarlRenude Skin Expert
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Melody CarlRenude Skin Expert
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