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Renudist's Talk: George's Skincare Journey

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Renudist's Talk: George's Skincare Journey
Written byAmelia CranstounContent Editor
Start your 2 minute skin quiz today and one of our aestheticians will create a personalised skincare routine for you!Take the skin quiz

Name: George

Age: 36

Skin type: Combination

Skin concerns: Reduce blemishes, blackheads and anti-aging

Why did you choose to trust Renude with your skincare journey?

I have tried many different products with varying success. I had also spoken to companies offering skincare and product recommendations but as they only sold their own products it didn’t always feel like they had my best interests at heart…or that they were selling me the right/best product.

How did you find your initial consultation with your aesthetician?

Brilliant! We had a great conversation about my current routine and goals. I learned a lot about how skin works (a mini science lesson!) and how products can work most effectively. We also busted a few skin myths which I wish I had known sooner!

Were you pleased with the skincare recommendations we made?

I’ve always felt the benefit of Renude is having no allegiance to one brand, or price point. My routine was great - within the price point and the best product available. The routine followed a logical, proven structure that set a good foundation for tackling my primary goals (blemishes) and my secondary goal (anti-ageing).

What skincare lessons has Renude taught you so far?

Applying a bunch of abrasive skin products doesn’t get rid of acne! It’s also taught me that often less is more. The art of skincare is not to pile on everything you think you should! Since joining Renude my goals have evolved with the changes I’ve noticed in my skin. Whilst I’m still maintaining clearer skin to avoid acne flare-ups, it’s no longer my complete focus, which is great. 

Have your skin goals changed since you first started with us?

I’m still focused on reducing blemishes, but this is now balanced more with anti-ageing. I have fewer aggressive spots (in fact, fewer spots overall). My skin looks younger and healthier. It’s made a big difference!

Do you feel like you know your skin better now and how to treat it? 

Yes. Definitely less is more, and the art of skincare is not to pile on everything you think you should!

Has your routine been tailored along your skincare journey and how did you find this process?

Yes, completely. It’s great talking about my goals, listening to advice and coming away with a routine that balances what I want, with the advice and guidance of an expert. My routine has changed throughout my time with Renude but at the time that’s just right - not too early, or too late.

How knowledgeable did you find your Renude aesthetician? 

Shirin and Amelia (currently) are brilliant. They are masters of their profession, and their service is second to none. They’re honest, yet accommodating.

Would you recommend Renude to a friend and why? 

Definitely, who wouldn’t want an expert to help them best look after their skin?

Get personalised support with your skin like George, take our quick skin quiz now!

Amelia CranstounContent Editor
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Amelia CranstounContent Editor
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