Lab notes  /  Community  /  Important Information: Your Renude membership is changing from 31st January

Important Information: Your Renude membership is changing from 31st January

Please read in full to understand how this impacts you

Start your 2 minute skin quiz today and one of our aestheticians will create a personalised skincare routine for you!Take the skin quiz
Important Information: Your Renude membership is changing from 31st January
Written byPippa HarmanCo-Founder Renude
Start your 2 minute skin quiz today and one of our aestheticians will create a personalised skincare routine for you!Take the skin quiz

Why are we removing Renude’s membership?

After a recent survey to our community, just under 90% of you told us that consultations with your aesthetician and receiving your personalised routine were the most important parts of our service. You said providing independent and unbiased skincare advice from us was our strength. However, you also said the skincare products we recommended in routines were often bought elsewhere due to price and availability. 

We have therefore decided to replace our membership with a pay as you go model and we will no longer be selling products on our site. It means we can focus our energy on recommending you the best skincare possible. 


What happens now to my membership payment?

From 12th January, we will not automatically take any further membership payments. If your payment cycle was due after this date before the changes, it will not be charged.


How much will consultations cost after the changes?

Consultations will be paid for rather than free with your quarterly subscription. Prices for consultations will be £35 for each video consultation and £20 for a photo upload consultation. These fees will not be redeemable.


Can I still message my aesthetician?

In the new model, you’ll be able to message your aesthetician for 14 days after receiving your routine following a paid consultation. This should allow you time to ask any follow up questions once you receive your routine, or after receiving the products purchased. 


Where can I buy my skincare products?

Skincare products won’t be sold directly anymore on Renude, you’ll be able to buy wherever you like! However, it does mean we will be depleting stock so please use up your credits before the changeover on 31st January.


What will happen to my loyalty credits?

Please use all your credits up before 31st January - once products go out of stock, you will not be able to purchase them from Renude. After the 31st January, we will be removing our credit system. Consultation fees will not be redeemable.


What do I do if I want to have a check-in consultation with my aesthetician?

If you want to schedule a video call before we remove the membership, please ensure this is booked in to happen by 31st January. Up until 31st, this will be charged at the current members price of £15 (or free if you haven’t yet used your initial complimentary call.)  

If you want to submit a final photo review, please ensure this is submitted by 31st January. This will be complimentary in line with the current membership system. 

When will my membership be cancelled?

From today, no further membership payments will be taken going forward. If your membership billing cycle is due this month, it will not be processed. You don’t need to message us to cancel your membership, this will happen automatically at the time of changeover. 

You will still have access to your current member benefits until 31st January, including messaging, photo consultations and video consultations at £15. After this time, your membership will be automatically cancelled in line with the new model.  


What happens after my membership is cancelled?

You will still be able to access your dashboard which will continue to have the same functions as before.  

  • Your routine history will remain in your dashboard
  • You will be able to schedule video calls and submit photo reviews through your dashboard with the new pricing model

  • Messaging will be available within the dashboard in the same place, for 14 days following a consultation. Outside of this window, messaging history will be available but you won’t be able to send or receive new messages.

If you have any further questions about these upcoming changes, you can send us a message through your dashboard or email us at

Pippa HarmanCo-Founder Renude
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Pippa HarmanCo-Founder Renude
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Your personalised skincare routine in 3 simple steps
Tell us about your skin

Complete our quick quiz, then upload photos or book a video call (priced at £20 or £35)

We’ll personalise your routine

Our award-winning AI analyses your skin before your aesthetician creates your personalised routine

Begin your skin journey

Message your aesthetician with any questions and check-in as your skin changes for ongoing advice